House Buying

Well, it looks like we’ve bought a house!

We put in offers on four different properties, and considered offering on two others. One house had 14 offers, another had 5. One of the houses that we wanted to write an offer had already received 73 offers, but the bank wasn’t responding to any of them. One of the others was not hosting any showings – if you wanted to see the house, you had to submit an offer first. Who wants to put in an offer on a house that they’ve never seen????

Well, we found a house that was not a foreclosure or short-sale, and we managed to get in an offer before anyone else, and it was accepted! So now comes the inspections to see if this really is the house for us. It is in a great location and has the right layout for our lifestyle. We think it’s the right one, but will need to make sure!