There’s Gonna Be Some Changes Made

A lot has happened in the past few weeks. We went to Kentucky last month to visit with Steve G’s family, and while we were there, we both had job interviews and ended up buying a house. Yes, we’re moving to the Midwest.

Our house in San Francisco went up on the market last week. We’ve had our first open house on Sunday, and today was the “broker’s tour”. There’s another open house this coming Sunday, and we take offers next Tuesday. It’s been a whirlwind getting everything ready for the open houses, and we’ll be thrilled when the house here is finally sold.

The house in Indiana is wonderful. It is very different from the house in San Francisco, but we’re looking forward to the change in lifestyle.
Steve G’s job is already set, and Steve W will take it easy for couple months before searching for employment. We’ll miss our friends in SF, but we have a lot of friends and family in the Evansville metropolitan area.

Here’s a link to a video of our trek across country during our move.

Bon Voyage!