Settling In

We are happily settled into our new home now. We’ve had a couple gatherings for the neighbors, co-workers, and church friends, and are looking forward to having more guests come once the summer heat has subsided a bit. We enjoy our neighborhood and meeting the neighbors. The dogs enjoy walks around the area too, although with the temperatures around 100, we’d all much prefer to be inside.

We are both working full-time now. Steve W is starting to see some results from changes that are being implemented, all positive, of course! Steve G now has a nearly-full-time job as a deliverer for a local funeral home’s floral division, plus working a half day per week at one of the laundromats owned by our sister and brother-in-law. He was also just ordained and installed as a deacon in our church, which was a very proud moment.

It is hard to believe that we arrived here in Sacramento eleven months ago. The time has flown by, with lots of activity and excitement with the house purchase and job hunting. We have no regrets about the move west, although we miss our friends back in Indiana. They know that they are welcome to visit any time!