The New House

It’s amazing what can happen in two month’s time… We closed on the new house a week ago. No, it’s not the house we wrote about in November. In fact, we were in contract one more time after that house before buying this one, but that’s a story for another time…

The good news is that we did buy a house. It’s near the first house, but in a different zip code. A little farther away from the folks, but very convenient for work. It has a 3-car garage, which was high on our wish list, and a cement tile roof, which is supposed to last a long time… We are thrilled and excited, and cannot wait to move in!

We have had painters and flooring people in, and unfortunately had to replace the furnace after only 5 days, but it will all be worth it in the end. We will move most of our stuff in tomorrow, except for what’s heavy in the apartment that we’ll have the professionals take care of. But at least we have a house with a yard, somewhere that we can enjoy and relax in and have friends over. When are you coming for a visit?

2 thoughts on “The New House

  1. Dennis, Roman and I cannot wait to come for a visit! Congratulations on your new CA residence, and we hope you stay around this time.

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