One Year Later

One year ago today, we moved to Evansville, Indiana, from San Francisco. A lot has happened over the past twelve months, and it’s about time we provided an update.

We took our big vacation last August, with a 2-week cruise on Celebrity through the Baltic Sea, visiting Oslo, Norway; Stockholm, Sweden; Helsinki, Finland; St. Petersburg, Russia; Tallinn, Estonia; Warnemunde/Rostock, Germany; Copenhagen, Denmark; and Dover, England. The ports of call were all fantastic, but we especially loved Stockholm, Copenhagen, and Tallinn.

Steve W continued working for Wells Fargo in San Francisco, working from home in Evansville. He has obtained his Indiana Real Estate license, and hopes to begin work as a fulltime Realtor this fall.

Steve G entered the Associate Supervisor Training program for the US Postal Service in February and graduated the end of May. He is now a supervisor at the Lawndale Post Office, about half a mile from our house. Just last week he had an accident at work where the tip of his left thumb was severed by one of the safes, so he’s off work for a little bit while the injury heals.

Samantha has enjoyed the changes that Evansville offers. She has become good friends with Harley, a West Highland terrier, who lives next door. She is now obsessed with squirrels, and considers it her fulltime job to guard the premises from the furry-tailed invaders. She got very sick in January with Auto-Immune Hemolytic Anemia (AIHA), where her immune system was destroying her red blood cells. She is on the road to recovery with a daily drug regimen, and we’re very glad that she’s still with us, because we weren’t sure she would make it in the first few days. Right after her diagnosis, blood tests revealed that she had lost 80% of her red blood cells, which is often fatal. We are very glad that she’s still here. Samantha now has her own website too.

We survived our first winter in Indiana. We had nearly 2 feet of snow right before Christmas, but it was gone by New Year’s Eve. It was pretty cozy inside the house though, and we didn’t mind the cold weather as much as we thought we would. Evansville is in Southwestern Indiana, so the winters are milder than they are farther north. During the winter months was also when we had our swimming pool installed. Now that summer is here, we’ve been enjoying the pool a lot. We even had two pool parties over the July 4th holiday weekend.

Life in Evansville is a bit slower than San Francisco, but we don’t mind that a bit. We’re more relaxed, and that makes us very happy. We miss our friends in San Francisco, but with email and phone calls, we do our best to stay in touch. We hope you all do the same.

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