

We adopted Sherman, a 9-pound chihuahua, in late January, 2006. He was about 15 months old. Sherman had travelled around a good part of the country before he came to us. From what we know of his story, he was born in Ohio and then was adopted by a family in Missouri.

Steve’s oldest brother Rod had been working down in New Orleans helping the rebuilding efforts after Hurricane Katrina. He was renting a house with a few other guys who were also working down there. One of Rod’s housemates had bought a dog for his family in Missouri, and the family didn’t want him. So the dog ended up sharing the house with these four guys in Louisiana.


Steve and Rod’s mom had been saying for quite a while that she wanted another dog. So last Christmas Rod brought Sherman up to Kentucky from New Orleans for Mom. She had Sherman for about a month, but one day Sherman got loose and ran down the street, and at that point, Mom decided that Sherman was a bit too much for her to handle.

So now Sherman lives with us in Indiana. He seems to have adjusted to life here, and he and Samantha get along fantastically. They wrestle and chase each other. Sherman follows his big sister around everywhere. We hadn’t planned on getting another dog, but this just worked out, and now we can’t imagine it any other way.

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