What’s Next…

Steve W lost his job on Monday. It was a surprise, but not completely unexpected. There was a sense that he was on the way out, based on some of the messages that were being sent during his status sessions with his boss. Target likes fresh minds that are willing to be molded into perfect team members, and Steve just didn’t fit that mold. His sister Carol had the perfect response: we are free spirits, and we just don’t fit in most corporate settings. She’s right – the best corporate jobs Steve had were the ones where the reins were loose and there was a lot of creativity and freedom.

The situation has made us wonder what is next for us. We have started talking about the possibility of moving back to California. Steve G might have some difficulty transferring with the Postal Service, but he has done it before. There aren’t any supervisor or manager jobs in the area where we plan to move to, so he may have to back to being a letter carrier.

We are going away this weekend to do some more thinking and talking. More later…

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