Moving Day

Tomorrow is moving day! The truck arrives tomorrow morning, and we have professionals to load it for us. It’s a 26-foot UHaul truck that is supposed to hold a 3-4 bedroom house (well, not technically the house, just the contents). We have also reserved a 6-by-12 trailer to pull behind the truck if we need it. The last time the moving team looked at the house, he thought we should be able to get it all on to the truck. That’s what we’re hoping!

Once the truck is loaded, we will drive it across country. Our plan is to stop just west of St. Louis on the first day, then drive about 700 miles the next two days. The last day should only be about 400 miles, allowing us to get to Sacramento early enough to unload the truck and start unpacking! Our sister and brother-in-law have a big workshop building on their property that will hold some of our stuff that won&rrsquo;t fit into the apartment. We have tried hard to separate the storage stuff from the apartment stuff!

Steve G’s half-brother Rod and Rod’s half-sister Becky (let me know if I need to draw you a family tree) are driving out with us, two in the car and two in the truck. We are excited about the journey and the start to our new lives! Our next post will be from California.

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